Legal and Social Environment of Business

JEFF STATE BUSINESS LAW (BUS 263): This will be my site for my business law classes at Jeff State for the Spring Semester. It will have the syllabus, class policies, assignments, and class updates. Check back soon for postings. Spring classes are as follows: Monday and Wednesday 8pm at the Jefferson Campus and Saturday 8am at the Jefferson Campus.

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Location: Birmingham, Alabama

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Apple, Beatles: 'We can work it out'. Trademark agreement ends litigation over Apple name, logos

SAN JOSE, Calif. - “We can work it out.”
That was the message that iPod maker Apple Inc. and The Beatles’ guardian Apple Corps Ltd. sent Monday in burying nearly three decades of trademark strife over the iconic apple logo and name.
Like the warring lovers striving for reconciliation in The Beatles’ 1965 hit tune, the two Apples agreed to quash a long-simmering rivalry and years of vicious legal battles between one of the world’s largest music sellers and one of history’s most beloved bands.


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